I will be recapping everything that happened in "House and Home" below. Enjoy!......
At the end of the previous episode, we were left with Callie stealing and the cops were being called on her. This episode showed us the aftermath. The beginning of this episode was interesting in that it showed us Callie walking down the hall of juvi in the exact same way as she did in the pilot episode. It seemed like deja-vu don't you think?
Another thing that happened in this episode was Brandon finally admitted to his family that he kissed Callie. Meanwhile, Callie had to go to court to see what would happen to her next. Lena and Stef came to her defense but they didn't want want her to come back in their home until they figure out what to do about the situation. The judge ended up placing Callie in a group home.
Also we saw Mariana meet a guy named Chase in this episode and he actually convinced her to help out with the school play. We also got the return of Kelsey in this episode and we are seeing some competition between them as they compete for Chase which is interesting to watch. I actually think there will be a bit of a love triangle between Mariana, Zac, and Chase. What are you all thinking about Mariana's possible love interests and what are your thoughts on the return of Kelsey?
The end! I can't wait to see what happens next. Feel free to leave comments. Thanks. :)