I will be discussing the highlights of what happened in "Padre" below. Thanks for reading my blog......
Last week, we were left with Stef finding her father dead in his home. This week was all about the Fosters dealing with his death and it was a pretty emotional episode. I really loved seeing Mariana and Callie continue to bond and you could see how much Callie has missed being a part of this family.
Also, Brandon finally realizes how much Callie has to give up in order for them to be together. Callie decides that she wants to be a part of this family again which causes Brallie to break up. How are you all feeling about their break up?
Then, we saw Mariana, Jude, and Connor use a Ouija board. Mariana asks about a boyfriend for her and it gives her the letter "Z" which is obviously hinting that Zariana is going to happen in the future. Jude asks the board if his mother is there and he asks for permission to be adopted. It points to "yes" but was that really the Ouija board or was it Connor who pushed it? Either way Connor is a great friend to Jude. But seriously though, I can't wait to see some more Zariana!
Lastly, I really loved seeing Callie and Stef bonding. They were both on bad terms with their parents before they passed and I loved seeing Callie finally start to open up especially with Stef.
I definitely think this was one of the most emotional episodes in this series by far. What were your thoughts on the episode? Are you all hoping that Callie and Jude will be adopted by the Foster's family? Feel free to discuss in the comments below. Thanks :)
~ Carly
~ Carly